Section 23.6 Property Development Standards for Single-Family Residential Districts
A. Common Regulations of R-1 Districts
The following property development standards shall apply to all land and buildings in single-family residential districts. Specific lot sizes, setbacks, and criteria which vary among individual single-family residential districts are identified in subsections A through H of this section. Alternative development standards in Section 27.10.B.3 (environmentally sensitive lands) may be applied at the request of the property owner upon satisfaction of applicable ESL review criteria.
1. Multiple Dwelling Units
Within the R1-144, R1-72, R1-43, and R1-36 Districts, more than one (1) single-family dwelling may be erected upon any one (1) lot. The following provisions shall apply:
a. An unobstructed access way for ingress/egress shall be provided for each dwelling.
i. If such access way is intended to serve one (1) dwelling, the way shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet wide.
ii. If such access way is intended to serve two (2) or more dwellings, the way shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet wide.
b. Each dwelling shall be situated so that if the property were to be divided, each resulting lot with a dwelling would conform to the provisions of this section.
2. Detached Accessory Buildings
Except as noted within the development standards for each district and within Section 25.2.A, the following provisions apply.
a. Permitted coverage: Ten (10) percent of the total area of rear and side yard.
b. Accessory buildings shall not exceed the height of the main building nor be any closer to the front lot line than the main building.
3. Walls and Fences
Walls and fences shall be located in accordance with the following standards:
a. Setbacks
i. Front
a) Walls equal to or less than four (4) feet six (6) inches in height may be located on the property line. Walls taller than four (4) feet six (6) inches in height must meet the front setback of the applicable zoning district.
b) The supporting columns, posts and door frames for pedestrian entry features associated with courtyard walls, that do not provide usable interior space, may be built in the same location as the front yard wall and shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
c) The supporting columns, posts and frames for vehicular entry gates located at the main access to the lot may be built up to five (5) feet from the front lot line and shall not exceed nine (9) feet in height.
ii. Side: Walls equal to or less than six (6) feet in height may be located on the property line. Walls taller than six (6) feet must meet the side setback of the applicable zoning district.
iii. Rear: Walls equal to or less than six (6) feet in height may be located on the property line. Walls taller than six (6) feet must meet the rear setbacks of the applicable zoning district.
b. Walls abutting an arterial or collector street, either in the front, side or rear yard, may be up to two (2) feet taller than subsections A.3.a.i through iii of this section.
c. Wall placement shall consider drainage, easements, topography and abutting properties.
d. Refer to Section 23.5.A.2 for special requirements regarding corner lots.
4. Swimming Pools
Swimming pools shall meet the screening requirements of the most current edition of the International Building Code.
5. Access
All lots shall have vehicular access to a dedicated street unless a secondary means of permanent vehicular access has been approved.
6. Mechanical Equipment Such as Air Conditioners and Pool Pumps
Mechanical equipment shall be screened by a minimum four (4) foot solid wall except when located:
a. Inside a yard that is screened by a minimum four (4) foot solid wall and placed no further than ten (10) feet from the screen wall.
b. Greater than forty (40) feet from the property line and indiscernible to an adjacent neighbor due to opaque vegetation or topography.
B. R1-300 Single-Family District
The provisions of subsection A of this section shall apply. The following additional requirements shall apply in this district.
1. General Aviation Airstrip requirements:
b. Minimum runway length: one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet.
2. Setback of airport facilities: ten (10) feet from all property lines.
3. Aircraft Hangar
a. If located with aircraft (taxiway) access to an airport, each lot may have one accessory building suitable for the storage of aircraft.
b. Maximum height: thirty-four (34) feet.
c. Setbacks: twenty (20) feet from property line or edge of street, whichever is most restrictive.
d. Minimum distance between buildings: ten (10) feet
4. Other Detached Accessory Buildings (Not Including Hangars).
a. Permitted coverage: ten percent (10%) of the total area of rear and side yard.
b. Minimum distance between buildings: ten (10) feet.
c. Accessory buildings shall not exceed the height of the main building.
d. Accessory buildings are permitted in the front yard subject to the following:
i. No individual structure may exceed two thousand (2,000) square feet in size. The permitted coverage for all structures shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total front yard area;
ii. Barns and other livestock structures may be larger than two thousand (2,000) square feet if approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. Only one accessory structure of this type is permitted;
iii. No more than two (2) accessory structures are permitted (not including hangars).
e. Setbacks:
i. Fifty (50) feet front;
ii. Ten (10) feet side and rear;
iii. Twenty (20) feet side when located within the front yard.
5. Buildings, Corrals or Other Livestock Structures must be placed one hundred (100) feet from all property lines. This setback may be reduced to fifty (50) feet if a solid wall a minimum of six (6) feet high is provided to restrict view and sound.
(6/11 supplement, 06/11; (O)10-10, 09/01/10)
C. R1-144 Single-Family District
The provisions of Section 23.6.A shall apply. The following additional requirements shall apply in this district:
1. Detached Accessory Buildings Setbacks.
Twenty (20) feet from side and forty (40) feet from rear if building is not used for poultry or animals; one hundred (100) feet if building is used for poultry or animals, except that it may be reduced to fifty (50) feet if a solid wall a minimum of six (6) feet high is provided to restrict view and sound.
2. Accessory buildings are permitted in the front yard, subject to the following:
a. Front setback: fifty (50) feet.
b. Side setback: twenty (20) feet.
c. Lot coverage: twenty percent (20%) of front yard area.
d. Buildings used for livestock or poultry shall maintain one hundred (100) foot setbacks from all property lines, except that it may be reduced to fifty (50) feet if a solid wall a minimum of six (6) feet high is provided to restrict view and sound.
e. No more than two (2) accessory buildings are permitted in front yard.
f. No individual accessory building may exceed one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet.
g. Accessory buildings shall not exceed one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the height of the main building, or eighteen (18) feet, whichever is lower.
((O)12-08, 06/06/12)
D. R1-72 Single-Family Residential District
The provisions of Sections 23.4 and 23.6.A shall apply. The following additional requirements shall apply in this district.
1. Detached Accessory Buildings Setbacks:
Side and rear: thirty-five (35) feet.
2. Grading Limits:
Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
E. R1-43 Single-Family Residential District
The provisions of Sections 23.4 and 23.6.A shall apply. The following additional requirements shall apply in this district.
1. Detached Accessory Buildings Setbacks
Side and rear: fifteen (15) feet.
F. R1-36 Single-Family Residential District
G. R1-20 Single-Family Residential District
H. R1-10 Single-Family Residential District
The provisions of Section 23.4 and 23.6.A.3 shall apply. The following additional requirements shall apply in this district.
1. Detached accessory buildings
Permitted coverage: fifteen (15) percent of total area of rear and side yard.
I. R1-7 Single-Family Residential District
The provisions of Section 23.4 and 23.6.A shall apply. The following additional requirements shall apply in this district.
1. Detached accessory buildings
Permitted coverage: fifteen (15) percent of total area of rear and side yard.
J. SDH-6 Site Delivered Housing District
The provisions of Section 23.4 shall apply. The following additional requirements shall apply in this district:
1. Distance Between Dwellings
A minimum of twenty (20) feet shall be provided between all dwellings, including carport, patio, or porch overhangs.
2. Detached Accessory Buildings
a. Permitted coverage: Fifteen percent (15%) of the total area of rear and side yard.
b. Minimum distance to side and rear lot lines: five (5) feet
3. Design Standards
Dwellings within this district shall comply with the following design standards for the purposes of providing adequate light and air, improving safety, and affording compatible community design.
a. All dwellings shall have a minimum width of sixteen (16) feet and shall contain at least six hundred forty (640) square feet.
b. All dwellings shall be attached to a permanent foundation.
c. The roof shall have a minimum two to twelve (2:12) roof pitch and shall have a surface of asphalt composition, concrete or clay tile, fiberglass or metal tiles, slate, or other materials of like appearance and color as approved by the Building Official and the Planning and Zoning Administrator (PZA). PZA decisions may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment.
d. Exterior siding materials shall consist of wood, masonry, concrete, stucco, masonite, or other materials of like appearance as approved by the Building Official, Planning and Zoning Administrator, and the Planning and Zoning Commission.
e. All dwellings shall be constructed in accordance to standards established by the State, as amended from time to time, or the National manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act for manufactured homes. Each of these codes shall be applicable to the specific structure as defined therein.
f. As appropriate, skirting of a compatible material and color to the dwelling shall be installed to screen any area between the floor of the dwelling and the permanent foundation.
g. Utility lines shall be buried, and utility related equipment, including air-cooling devices, shall be screened from view as observed from public or private thoroughfares.
h. All towing devices, wheels, axles, and hitches must be removed.
4. Exceptions
Any site delivered housing subdivision completed prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this Chapter, whether approved by Oro Valley or Pima County, retains the right to replace dwellings and accessory structures on existing lots, regardless of lot size. Replacement dwellings and accessory structures shall comply with the requirements of Section 23.1.B and subsection I of this section with the following exceptions:
a. Replacement dwellings may be of a material and color similar to that of the home being replaced;
b. Replacement dwellings shall be a similar building height to the existing home and shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet or one (1) story;
c. The method of anchoring the replacement dwelling to the ground may be similar to that of the dwelling to be replaced;
d. The replacement dwelling shall, at a minimum, comply with the following setbacks:
i. Front: Ten (10) feet
ii. Side: Five (5) feet on the right side and fifteen (15) feet on the left side, as viewed from the front of the lot.
iii. Rear: Five (5) feet
iv. A minimum spacing of twenty (20) feet shall be maintained between all dwellings.
v. Replacement dwellings on corner lots shall not be located any closer to a public or private street than the home being replaced.
vi. New accessory structures shall comply with the setbacks required in subsections J.4.d.i, ii, and iii of this section.
e. As applicable, replacement dwellings shall provide skirting. Acceptable skirting materials include aluminum, wood, and masonry.
f. Detached accessory structures not in conformance with this Code may be replaced and expanded so long as the replacement or expansion does not increase the degree of non-conformance with this Code.
g. Replacement dwellings may utilize roof-mounted air-cooling devices.
5. Architectural Review
All dwellings, except those provided for in Section 23.6.J.4, shall be required to obtain architectural approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with the procedures outlined in Section 22.9.