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A. Conformity with Existing Plans, Ordinances and Laws

Every subdivision shall conform to the objectives of any related plan adopted by the Town Council. Every subdivision shall also conform to the Zoning Code and to other ordinances and regulations of the Town and to the Arizona Revised Statutes.

((O)16-16, 12/07/16)

B. Dedications for Public Purposes

Where the tract to be subdivided contains all or any part of the site of a park, trail, school, flood control facility or other public area as shown on a plan approved by the Town Council, such site shall be dedicated to the public or reserved for acquisition by the public within a specified period of time. An agreement shall be reached between the subdivider and the appropriate public agency regarding time, method and cost of such acquisition.

((O)22-09, 10/05/22; (O)16-16, 12/07/16)

C. Subdivision of Unsuitable Land

Land which is subject to periodic flooding, land which cannot be properly drained or other land which, in the opinion of the Town Council, is unsuitable for subdivision use shall not be subdivided; except that the Town Council may approve subdivision of such land upon receipt of evidence from the Town Engineer that the construction of specific improvements can be expected to render the land suitable; thereafter, construction upon such land shall be prohibited until the specified improvements have been planned and construction guaranteed.

((O)16-16, 12/07/16)

D. Subdivision of Land within the Hillside Development Zone

Where the tract to be subdivided is located in whole or in part within the Hillside Development Zone, design and development shall follow the standards and requirements of Addendum I or Section 27.10, as applicable.

((O)16-16, 12/07/16)

E. Naming and Signage of Streets

1. All naming and signage of streets shall conform to Pima County’s Addressing Ordinance and Policies, Sections 18.83.060 through 18.83.080.

2. Street names shall be so arranged as to be clearly visible from intersecting street directions.

3. The subdivider shall propose the street names subject to the approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the preliminary plat stage.

((O)22-09, 10/05/22; (O)17-05, 06/07/17; (O)16-16, 12/07/16; 6/11 supplement, 06/11)

F. Street Location and Arrangement

Street location and arrangement shall conform to the following general principles:

1. Whenever a tract to be subdivided embraces any part of a street designated in an adopted Town transportation plan, such street shall be platted in conformance therewith.

2. Street layout shall provide for the continuation of such streets as the Development Committee may designate.

3. Certain proposed streets within the tract shall be extended to the tract boundaries to enable connection to existing streets or to future streets in the unplatted areas. Additionally, paved access shall be provided to the development from existing vehicular streets as specified by the Town Engineer and approved by the Town Council.

4. Local streets shall be so arranged as to discourage their use by through traffic.

5. Where a proposed subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial route, the Development Committee may require frontage streets or reverse frontage with no-access easements along the arterial route or such other treatment as may be justified for protection of residential properties from nuisance and hazard of high-volume traffic and to preserve the traffic function of the arterial route.

6. Where a subdivision abuts or contains the right-of-way of a railroad, a limited access highway or an irrigation canal, or abuts a commercial or industrial land use, the Development Commit- tee may recommend location of a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way at a distance suitable for appropriate use of the intervening land. Such distance shall be determined with due regard for approach grades, drainage, bridges or future grade separations.

7. Streets shall be so arranged in relation to existing topography as to produce desirable lots of maximum utility and streets of reasonable gradient and to facilitate adequate drainage.

8. Half-streets shall be discouraged except where necessary to provide right-of-way required by the Town streets and highway plans, to complete a street pattern already begun or to ensure reasonable development of a number of adjoining parcels. Where there exists a platted half- street abutting the tract to be subdivided and said half-street furnishes the sole access to residential lots, the remaining half shall be platted within the street.

((O)16-16, 12/07/16; (O)11-15, 05/18/11)

G. Street Design Standards

All streets shall be designed in accordance with the Oro Valley Subdivision Street Standards, except for cross-sections applicable to any approved Planned Area Development.

((O)16-16, 12/07/16)

H. Block Design Principles

Block design shall conform to the following general principles:

1. Maximum length of blocks measured along the centerline of the street and between intersecting street centerlines shall be one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet; except that in development with lot areas averaging one-half (1/2) acre or more, where conditions warrant, the maximum length may be two thousand (2,000) feet. Blocks shall be as long as reasonably possible under the circumstances within the above maximums in order to achieve depth and possible street economy and to reduce the expense and safety hazard arising from excessive street intersections.

2. Maximum length of cul-de-sac streets shall be six hundred (600) feet measured from the inter- section of right-of-way lines to extreme depth of the turning circle along the street centerline. Exceptions may be made where topography, adjacent platting or other unusual conditions justify such. No exception shall be made merely because the tract has restrictive boundary dimensions wherein provisions should be made for extension of street patterns to the adjoining unplatted parcel and a temporary turnaround installed.

3. Pedestrian and bikeways with rights-of-way of eight (8) feet or greater may be required where essential for circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation and other community facilities. Pedestrian and bikeways may be used for utility purposes.

((O)16-16, 12/07/16)

I. Lot Planning Procedures

1. Lot width, depth, and area shall comply with the minimum requirements of the zoning regulations and shall be appropriate for the location and character of development proposed and for the type and extent of street and utility improvements being installed.

2. Where unusual topography, unusual soil conditions, drainage problems, abrupt changes in land use or heavy traffic on adjacent streets prevail, the Development Committee may make special lot width, depth and area requirements which exceed the minimum requirements of the particular zoning district.

3. Proposed streets shall be arranged in close relation to existing topography. Where steep topography prevails, as in the platting of Hillside Development Zone subdivisions, and where street grades must, of necessity, reach or exceed the standard requirement, the requirements of the Town of Oro Valley Subdivision Street Standards shall be followed.

4. The depth-width ratio of the usable area of the lot shall not be greater than three to one (3:1).

5. Minimum front building lines shall conform to the minimum requirements of the zoning regulations.

6. Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines except where other treatment may be justified in the opinion of the Development Committee.

7. Every lot shall abut upon a public street furnishing satisfactory access thereto.

8. Single-family residential lots extending through the block and having frontage on two (2) parallel streets shall not be permitted; backing of lots to thoroughfares shall be prohibited except where expressly permitted in accordance with subsection I.7 of this section or where justified in the opinion of the Development Committee.

((O)16-16, 12/07/16)

J. Landscaping in Subdivisions

All open areas shall be landscaped by the subdivider at his expense. All landscaping shall be supplied and installed according to the approved landscape plan.

((O)11-15, 05/18/11)

K. Utility Easements

1. Easements for utilities shall be provided as necessary to adequately construct and maintain the utilities.

2. For lots facing on curvilinear streets, utility easements or alleys may consist of a series of straight lines with point of deflection not less than one hundred twenty (120) feet apart. Points of deflection should always occur at the junction of side and rear lot lines on the side of the exterior angle. Curvilinear easements or alleys may be provided, providing that the minimum radius for the alley or easement shall be not less than eight hundred (800) feet, except that four hundred fifty (450) foot radius curves may be allowed where there are adequate provisions for utilities.

3. Where a stream or important surface drainage course abuts or crosses the tract, dedication of a public drainage easement of a width sufficient to permit widening, deepening, relocating or protecting the water course shall be required.

4. Land within a public street or drainage easement or land within a utility easement for major power transmission lines or pipelines shall not be considered a part of the minimum required lot area except where lots exceed one (1) acre in area. This shall not be construed as applicable to land involved in utility easements for distribution or service purposes.

L. Address Standards

1. It is the purpose of this section to provide for, through joint Town-County action (Town Resolution No. 267), uniformity in street naming and numerical addressing, facilitating emergency vehicle response, elimination of inconsistencies and duplication of street names, and other practices resulting in addressing difficulties and establishing the authority for the creation of addresses to property and improvements within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Town through the adoption and enforcement of Pima County’s Addressing Ordinance and Policies, Chapter 18.83, and all future amendments thereto, along with the following additional provisions:

a. All of the signage in this Code shall be placed so that mature landscape will not obscure it.

((O)22-09, 10/05/22)