Ordinance (O)14-02
- Description
- Amends § 27.3 and Chapter 31, public art
- Disposition
- Codified
- Adoption Date
- 1/15/2014
- Files Available
- Affecting
- 27.3, Artwork Provisions (Amended)
- 27.3.A, Purpose (Amended)
- 27.3.B, Applicability (Amended)
- 27.3.C, Artwork Budget (Amended)
- 27.3.D, Fee in Lieu of Art (Amended)
- 27.3.E, Call for Artists (Added)
- 27.3.F, Review Process (Amended)
- 27.3.G, Design and Location Requirements (Amended)
- 27.3.H, Art Design Principles (Added)
- Artist (Amended)