Ordinance (O)18-15
- Description
- Adds definitions to Ch. 31; amends §§ 23.4, 23.5.C, 23.6,23.7.A and 25.2.E, setbacks for accessory structures
- Disposition
- Codified
- Adoption Date
- 10/3/2018
- Files Available
- Affecting
- 23.4, Table of Dimensional Requirements (Amended)
- 23.5.C, Setbacks (Amended)
- 23.6.A, Common Regulations of R-1 Districts (Amended)
- 23.7.A, Common Regulations of Multi-Family Districts (Amended)
- 25.2, Accessory Uses and Structures (Amended)
- Attached (Added)
- Covered Porch (Added)
- Encroachment (Added)
- Extension (Added)
- Projection (Added)