Section 23.9 Property Development Standards for Planned Districts
A. Common Regulations of Planned Districts
Alternative development standards in Section 27.10.B.3 (environmentally sensitive lands) may be applied at the request of the property owner upon satisfaction of applicable ESL review criteria.
((O)11-01, 02/16/11)
B. PRD Planned Residential Developments
((O)11-01, 02/16/11)
C. PAD Regulations
1. General Provisions
The following standards and requirements apply to all PAD Districts:
b. Minimum open space requirement: Twenty percent (20%) of gross acreage of the PAD district.
c. Underlying zoning districts established:
i. All PAD development plans shall include underlying zoning designations. The underlying or base zoning districts are to be derived from existing Oro Valley zones and reflect the most logical designation in consideration of the proposed land use for a particular parcel, tract, block or planning unit. The development standards of the underlying zoning districts will prevail where the PAD does not specifically modify said standards.
ii. Underlying zoning districts shall be assessed by Town staff in determining adequacy for proposed land uses.
d. Modifications to the development standards of the underlying district may be permitted if they are found to offer a desirable improvement over the conditions produced by conventional zoning standards. The following standards may be modified:
i. Permitted and conditional uses,
ii. Area/volume ratios,
iii. Density,
iv. Building height,
v. Distance between buildings,
vi. Landscaping,
ix. Access.
e. A tabular summary comparing all requested modifications to the normal underlying district standards shall be included in the PAD text. The summary will include rationale supporting the requested modifications.
f. The applicant is required to meet with interested residents of adjacent neighborhoods prior to the Town scheduling the proposal for Planning and Zoning Commission public hearing. The purpose of preliminary neighborhood review shall be to provide direct infor-mation to area residents and land owners, resolve potential conflicts, assist in expediting Town review and provide for the preservation of the welfare of community residents. The applicant shall notify all residents’ participation groups and neighborhood associations on record with the Town and located within one (1) mile of the PAD boundary, the Oro Valley Planning and Zoning Department and all property owners within six hundred (600) feet of the rezoning. Notice of the application and meeting shall be by mail. A representative from the Planning and Zoning Department shall be invited to the neighborhood meeting. Notice of the neighborhood/applicant meeting shall be mailed no less than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting date. Documentation of the attendees and minutes of the meetings shall be provided by the applicant to Town staff and the Commission.